The series was first broadcast on Artsound FM in 2008. The show was written and produced by Len Power and is narrated by Bill Stephens.
With access to the vast music library of local Gershwin collector, Bert Whelan, the programs include not only Gershwin’s well-known music but also an extraordinary number of Gershwin rarities.
Program 8: Hollywood Ending - 1935 to 1937
Between 1935 and his early death in 1937, George Gershwin wrote the music for the movies ‘Shall We Dance’ and ‘A Damsel in Distress’ and commenced work on the ‘The Goldwyn Follies’. Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire, Kenny Baker and Australia’s Kerrie Biddell sing some of the memorable songs from these movies. Interviews include choreographer Hermes Pan, Ira Gershwin and Michael Feinstein.
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