Saturday, September 3, 2022


“The Broadway Musicals Yearbook” will be heard on Artsound FM 92.7 at 5pm on Sunday 4 September and repeated at 11pm on Monday 5 September.  The show is produced and narrated by Len Power, Canberra theatre critic, music critic and radio presenter.

This week – the musicals of 2001

The big hits of 2001 were ABBA’s tuneful ‘Mamma Mia!’ and Mel Brooks hilarious ‘The Producers’.  Andrew Lloyd Webber went back to the 1920s and the stories of P.G. Wodehouse with ‘By Jeeves’ and ‘Urinetown’ showed that Broadway could still produce clever and biting satire.

You’ll hear songs from all of these shows and others including: ‘Dancing Queen’ (from ‘Mamma Mia!’), ‘When Love Arrives’ (‘By Jeeves’), ‘Angels Lost’ (‘The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer’), ‘Don’t Be The Bunny’ (‘Urinetown’) and ‘Springtime For Hitler’ (‘The Producers’).

Performers include: Siobhan McCarthy, Nathan Lane, Randy Graff, Lonny Price, Stephen Pacey, Linda Purl, John Cullum and Cady Huffman.


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