Saturday, October 1, 2022



“The Broadway Musicals Yearbook” will be heard on Artsound FM 92.7 at 5pm on Sunday 2 October and repeated at 11pm on 3 October.  The show is produced and narrated by Len Power, Canberra theatre critic, music critic and radio presenter.

This week – the musicals of 1941

1941 saw a mixed bag of shows and revues on Broadway.  Cole Porter was there with his show, ‘Let’s Face It’.  ‘Best Foot Forward’ introduced a young June Allyson and Eddie Cantor starred in ‘Banjo Eyes’.  Gertrude Lawrence appeared in one of her most memorable shows, ‘Lady In The Dark’ and the revue ‘Sons O’ Fun’ featured Carmen Miranda.

You’ll hear songs from all of these shows and others including: ‘Ev’ry Time’ (from ‘Best Foot Forward’), ‘Happy in Love’(Sons O’ Fun’), ‘We’re Having A Baby’ (‘Banjo Eyes’), ‘Jenny’ (‘Lady in the Dark’).

Performers include: Gertrude Lawrence, Dawn Upshaw, Eddie Cantor, Dinah Shore, Michael Feinstein, Carmen Miranda, Danny Kaye. Sophie Tucker and Lyn Redgrave.


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