Monday, September 16, 2024


Ben Hoadley, bassoon

Brad Tham, violin

Anika Chan, violin

Pippa Newman, viola

Chloe Law, cello

Wesley Uniting Church, Forrest 15 September 2024


Reviewed by Len Power


The Ellery String Quartet’s recital of works old and new included music by Joseph Michl, Ross Edwards, Gillian Whitehead, Carl Maria von Weber. With noted bassoonist, Ben Hoadley, joining them for the concert, there was the added bonus of the Australian premiere of Hoadley’s own string quartet.

Commencing with Michl’s Quartet in F Major, Brad Tham, violin, Anika Chan, violin, Chloe Law, cello with Ben Hoadley on bassoon, gave this charming work a spirited performance. Their playing of the first movement was delightfully cheery while the second movement had an appealing reflective quality as well as being melodic.

The full quartet, including Pippa Newman on viola, then performed Ross Edwards’ Chorale and Ecstatic Dance. The first part started quietly and developed into a haunting, melancholic piece of great beauty. The second part, busy and colourful, was a distinct contrast to the first part. The quartet gave it a nicely sensitive and clear performance.

Ben Hoadley

Next on the program were two solo bassoon works by New Zealand composer, Gillian Whitehead – Ngā hā o neherā (a breath from the past) and Ohinemuto. Played by Hoadley from the gallery of the church above and behind the audience, the first had a lovely misty, nostalgic quality and the second, a grandness filled with sounds of nature, people and their stories.

The quartet then played Hoadley’s String Quartet: Mt. Eden. The first part was dramatic and busy, followed by a section that was calmer but still with an underlying tension. At the conclusion, Hoadley thanked them for their fine and sensitive playing of his work.

Ben Hoadley (2nd from right) with the Ellery String Quartet

With his bassoon, Hoadley joined the quartet to play the melodic Andante and Hungarian Rondo by Carl Maria von Weber. This melodic work with its colourful Hungarian melodies was played delightfully and brought this fine and varied concert to a close.


Photos by Peter Hislop

This review was first published by Canberra CityNews digital edition on 16 September 2024.

Len Power's reviews are also broadcast on Artsound FM 92.7 in the ‘Arts Cafe’ and ‘Arts About’ programs.